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1.    用容斥原理、生成函数和波利亚定理等求解线性(或圆)排列、集合分划、整数分拆等计数问题;

2.    掌握递推关系的计数方法以及常系数线性非齐次递推关系的求解方法;

3.    了解组合数学的存在性证明和恒等式证明的基本方法。

4.    了解组合算法进行组合构造和最优化求解。



The introduction of course –Combinatorics

Combinatorics is a foundational and limited-optional specialty course for undergraduates majoring in computer science and technology,; this course is a very interesting and useful course which involves discrete structures and builds up a good combinatorial thinking for computer science students.

  Through this course, students will:

1. Use inclusion-exclusion principle, generating functions, Polya counting etc. to solve the problems such as permutation combination, set partition, integer partitions.

2. Master the counting technique of recurrence relations and how to solve the linear nonhomogeneous Recursive Relation with constant coefficients.     

3. Learn the basics of existence proof and combinatorial identity proof.

4. Learn the constructive algorithms and optimization algorithms.

  This course emphasizes on combinatorial counting techniques. The contents contain the Pigeonhole principle, the binomial coefficients, the inclusion-exclusion principle, recurrence relations, generating functions, Polya counting and their applications, special counting sequences, generating permutations and combinations and combinatorial optimization algorithms.

  Study of this course makes students to grasp the basic theorems, principles and algorithms of Combinatorics, and improve the ability to combinatorial thinking and skill in solving the practical problems.